So it has been one full term now, that we have been homeschooling. It truly feels like a lifetime ago that we were running what felt to us, like the “rat race” of a life filled with brick and motor school.
This business of homeschooling has sure had an effect on me as a parent and person. When I think about my flaws, and shortcomings as a parent; these definitely feel magnified when surrounded by my children all the time. This of course leads me to have a deep desire to better myself. I am growing daily in the ways that I interact with my children. It’s a big deal when you are the main influence on them- to make sure that it is a good influence!
Theo is happy and thriving in his learning. At first when I looked at the PLO’s for the rest of grade 1, I was overwhelmed. But after completing one term at home, I realize that we have pretty much covered all of the PLO’s for grade 1 (and two for that matter). My biggest task now is actually keeping him challenged and trying to stay ahead of him. That being said writing is challenge, simply to get him to sit down and do it. When he does it, he is right on track with grade level- but it is hard to get him to do it.
A day in our lives usually looks like this:
Theo gets up around 7am and goes downstairs to play. He will often take out Lego, have breakfast with his Dad or read until Eva wakes up. When the girls join the mix- they play (usually some creative role-play). I get up around the same time, have my shower, check the email and am usually downstairs by 8am to have breakfast with whoever still hasn’t eaten. I clean up from breakfast and make some tea while they get ready for the day (brush teeth, get dressed, tidy up the play from the morning). We usually start “schooling” by about 8:30am or 9am.
I set the girls up with an activity at the dining table, and then sit with Theo at the school table. Eva has wanted to join us with school a lot more lately. This has its challenges and benefits. We usually spend about an hour to an hour and half at schoolwork. Sometimes it goes smoothly and we sail through lessons. Other times, we take play breaks in between subjects. We have a healthy snack together around 10:30am. There is something special about cutting up the apples, slicing the cheese and placing them on little plates rather then putting it all into reusable containers. Snack time is one of my favorite times of day. No matter what has transpired in the morning, we come together as a family and connect again over food. Everyone is always happy to have snack together! As I am cleaning up snack- the kids inevitably get caught up in playing something together again. I am usually then able to refocus their attention on some sort of learning game, or a read aloud. Then I leave them be again while I make lunch.
After lunch we usually go out. This week we were able to garden in our backyard, which was a real treat. Theo LOVES to garden- so it is quickly becoming a hobby for me also. We take trips to the library where we take out lots and lots of books. There always seems to be something happening at the library. This week there was a jellybean contest. The kids had to guess how many jellybeans were in this long tube. It was a great opportunity for me to teach Theo a practical situation for estimating! Sometimes we bike ride to the park or the beach, or we walk to the Dyke. We meet with my Dad and Nana every other week for pancakes, and have a weekly get together with other local homeschooling families.
Because I am with the kids all day, I feel fine about “scheduling” afternoon activities. This past term they did basketball one day, and ballet/reading club another day.
Theo definitely does miss the social aspect of school. I can appreciate and respect that. He loves Wednesday’s when he gets to go to school. I did some research and found an Awana group for him to join- and he loves that. Honestly, for Theo, he could never get enough of being with people. I am very thankful for our decision to homeschool because I feel like I can now offer him a more balanced taste social activity. I appreciate that I actually have daily interactions with him, a real relationship, learning and growing together in a place and space where I can actually influence him in a positive one - on - three way. This makes me feel great about letting him go out into the world and do his social thing. When he was in school, I felt like I never saw my son. His desire to be out with his peers was insatiable. If I tried to “collect” him after school it was always met with resistance.
I love being able to witness his growth and learning first hand. It is similar to watching your baby stand for the first time. I feel like I get those moments every day, but with some new and different achievement. The learning opportunities offered through the program he is in are amazing. We have been to the Dr. Sun Yet Sen Garden, two kids plays at Granville Island, ice skating, and a marimba performance amongst other things. I have been able to attend all of these activities for free with my other children (except for the performances where I usually leave Kezia with grandparent). Then there are the workshops that happen on school days like 4 weeks of marimba lessons, and science or writing workshops. There is opportunity for pottery classes, ski, swimming, and tennis lessons all during the day. We have memberships to Science World, The Gulf of Georgia Cannery, and the Aquarium, so whenever I feel like we need a play day we can venture out to one of these places and continue on learning. Best of all we get to do it in the day when these places are less busy.
The challenges of everyday are similar to the ones we had before we homeschooled. For example, Theo and Eva still fight. They are either off or on. It is still hard to get them to clean up after themselves. But at least now, I feel like my words and actions have more weight because of the time that I am investing in them all day everyday.
This has become a very long entry. Here is one last picture of Eva on the swing that she finally learned to pump herself. = )