
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mary has to go

So Mary age 20 months was hiding in her room alone, a tell tale sign that she needs to go. I asked her if she needed to go poo, and she said "yes." It's pretty natural for them to find a little spot to hide and do their business. I asked her if she wanted to use the potty and she said- "no". So I said ok- come out when you want me to change your diaper. She came out a few minutes later, and I went to changer her diaper and there was no poo. So I said, lets sit on the potty. This time she agreed. She sat quite willingly, and proudly on the potty. I turned away and carried on with getting lunch ready and told her to call me when she was done. She came up to me and said, "Big Log Mummy!" So I said, "good girl" and followed her back to her potty. There was a big log alright, but it was in the middle of the living room floor not in the potty!

Note to self... don't take your eyes off of a naked- not yet 2 year old who needs to go poo. Good times !

1 comment:

  1. what better way to start a blog than with a good ol' fashioned poo story :)
