My friend Helen was brave enough to sacrifice valuable real-estate in her townhouse, for the sake of learning about baby chicks. We were SO BLESSED to arrive about 5 minutes before the third baby chick hatched. What a wonder it was to watch the cracks in the shell grow, and the shell roll around, and then finally the wet chick flop out. Even more amazing, was watching how quickly they get on their feet, and bounce around (they really do look like those wind up toys you get a Easter)! Once the baby chick was all dried off, it was moved over to a big Rubermaid bin under the heat lamp. Here are some pictures.
The two that were already hatched. |
Sunshine. |
Chirpy |
Lots of children, in love with chicks. |
Keeping low, in case they hop out. |
The one we watched hatched is the one underneath the black one. He had to be moved pretty quick into the Rubbermaid bin, because another one hatched and this guy was pecking at him. |
So we got to watch TWO baby chicks hatch. What a blessing. New Life. Amazing.
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